JBS Agency signs the illustration of “Pinella La Coccinella”, a board game created by Angela Zerbino, a doctor that with this book wanted to help her own patients and all the children with learning and language’s problems and, in particular, those who have dyslexia.
Contacted by the well-known Milanese speech-therapist, already author of the game “Giochiamo ai mestieri”, we have had fun playing ourselves with the Pinella, the happy ladybird hopping in the green lawns of the words, with the purpose to be able to empathize with the aesthetic taste of Angela and with that of her children. To test the product for which we are working for, it’s the first step to understand not only its functionalities, but also the emotions arising from it. Coming up with important information that have determined a precise visual choice, with water-colours, rounded shapes, the light/dark, and a few well delineated details, designed to not divert attention from the players, even beautifying and animating the board game.In theme of educational games, the risk to fall in the aesthetical research is big: it is necessary instead to consider that the illustration must be functional and perfectly enjoyable for the players, in order to avoid frustration’s feelings in children that are less expert and practical. At the same time, it has to be perceived as enjoyable, amusing and affable. It’s a matter of balance and sensitivity. And once again, the relationship between the illustrator and the game inventor is crucial, like the relationship with the producer (in this particular case, La Fabbrica dei Segni), and the one with the distributor, able to give precious indications for the correct evaluation of the press support, the dimensions, the sellout prices and the graphic on the box of the game box.
This experience showed us how board games are not just kid’s stuff, but an integral part of the sensitivity of people of all ages. Inside of us, there’s always a child and there’s always room to increase our knowledge, to put yourself out there, and to challenge your mind.
The educational game Pinella La Coccinella is now on sale on Amazon, IBS, Feltrinelli and in channels specialized in educational games in Italy.